Leandro Nogueira _______.. .: nordnael@gmail.com
R. Afonso Luis Borba, 129, Lagoa da Conceição
Florianópolis-SC Cep 88.020-608
mobile: 48.8473.2464 :: 48.9602.9659experience abroad
Caracas - Venezuela,
- in 1980 (for 3 months)
- in 1991 (for 1 year)
- in 2002 (for 4 months)
Barcelona - Spain
- in 2009 (for 2 months)
London - England
- in 2008 (for 9 months)
Barcelona - Spain
- in 2009 (for 2 months)
London - England
- in 2008 (for 9 months)
professional experience
- all the classes are lied in preparing, planning, leading, instructing,
writing, organising, supervising, demonstrating, listening, evaluating,
encouraging, facilitating, assessing and motivating!
- individualised classes, at students offices and houses;
- classes for students of all ages,
writing, organising, supervising, demonstrating, listening, evaluating,
encouraging, facilitating, assessing and motivating!
- individualised classes, at students offices and houses;
- classes for students of all ages,
- classes at particular institutes of lenguage courses.
- classes for primary and secondary school;
- translations work for business companies and, with
team groups, for international publishers.
- translations work for websites
work history
below, all the jobs were in Santa Catarina, Brazil.
• private clases at homes and offices (Florianópolis, Feb 2010 - now)
Private classes given to english and foreinger people,
preparing them to touristic and business trips.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- below, all the jobs were in Minas Gerais, Brazil.
• Colégio D'Paula (Ituiutaba-MG/Brazil, Ago 2009 - Janeiro 2010)
Private classesAulas para turmas do Ensino Fundamental I e II
• Colégio Menezes (Ituiutaba-MG, Agosto 2009 - Janeiro 2010)
Aulas para turmas do Ensino Fundamental II
below, all the jobs were in São Paulo, Brazil.
team groups, for international publishers.
- translations work for websites
work history
below, all the jobs were in Santa Catarina, Brazil.
• private clases at homes and offices (Florianópolis, Feb 2010 - now)
Private classes given to english and foreinger people,
preparing them to touristic and business trips.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- below, all the jobs were in Minas Gerais, Brazil.
• Colégio D'Paula (Ituiutaba-MG/Brazil, Ago 2009 - Janeiro 2010)
Private classesAulas para turmas do Ensino Fundamental I e II
• Colégio Menezes (Ituiutaba-MG, Agosto 2009 - Janeiro 2010)
Aulas para turmas do Ensino Fundamental II
below, all the jobs were in São Paulo, Brazil.
• private clases at coffe-shops (Londres-UK, Julho 2008 - Abril 2009)
Private classes given to english and foreinger people,
preparing them to touristic and business trips.
• Trinity Care London (July 2008 - Dec 2009)
I have started giving individualized classes of basic spanish
to english speakers with travelling purposes.
The student's name is Rubens and Trinity London Care Ltd is
at 113 Ruckholt Road, London, E10 5NT
p: 02085584828 f: 02085583727
below, the jobs were in London, England.
• CNA -Centro Norte Americano (January 2001 - May 2008*)
This is a school chain, in which I worked for several branchs
but beeing registered only at the Freguesia Borough Branch.
My roles were to prepare extra activities to increase
the books effectiveness, working the four skills
(listening, talking, reading, writing) in each class,
forging, maintaining and developing the course.
::: Freguesia Borough Branch (Aug 2002 - May 2008*)
Private classes given to english and foreinger people,
preparing them to touristic and business trips.
• Trinity Care London (July 2008 - Dec 2009)
I have started giving individualized classes of basic spanish
to english speakers with travelling purposes.
The student's name is Rubens and Trinity London Care Ltd is
at 113 Ruckholt Road, London, E10 5NT
p: 02085584828 f: 02085583727
below, the jobs were in London, England.
• CNA -Centro Norte Americano (January 2001 - May 2008*)
This is a school chain, in which I worked for several branchs
but beeing registered only at the Freguesia Borough Branch.
My roles were to prepare extra activities to increase
the books effectiveness, working the four skills
(listening, talking, reading, writing) in each class,
forging, maintaining and developing the course.
::: Freguesia Borough Branch (Aug 2002 - May 2008*)
::: Pinheiros Borough Branch (Feb 2006 - Jul 2008)
::: Campo Belo Borough Branch (Set 2004 - Jul 2006)
::: Campo Belo Borough Branch (Set 2004 - Jul 2006)
::: Perdizes Borough Branch (Feb 2005 - Jan 2006)
::: Conceição Borough Branch (Feb 2005 - July 2005)
::: Paraíso Borough Branch (Feb 2003 - Dec 2003)
::: Bauru City Branch (Jan 2001 - Dec 2001)
::: Bauru City Branch (Jan 2001 - Dec 2001)
• Centro de Ensino (October 2003 - May 2008*)
At this school, I gave "one to one" classes, with
traditional text books and extra activities that I've developed.
At this school, I gave "one to one" classes, with
traditional text books and extra activities that I've developed.
• Camargo Corrêa S.A. (September 2004 - May 2008*)
At this Construction Company, I gave individualized classes,
at the students offices, as business classes.
• Editora Lua (June 2006 - May 2008*)
at the students offices, as business classes.
• Editora Lua (June 2006 - May 2008*)
At this Publisher, I gave business classes.
• ItaúBBA (July 2006 - May 2008*)
• ItaúBBA (July 2006 - May 2008*)
At this Bank, I gave business classes.
• Klabin, (September 2006 - September 2007)
At this Paper Industry, I gave business classes.
• www.onlima.com.br (March 2006 - May 2008*)
This is a website sponsor, with which I worked
translating te sites I mention here below.
• Klabin, (September 2006 - September 2007)
At this Paper Industry, I gave business classes.
• www.onlima.com.br (March 2006 - May 2008*)
This is a website sponsor, with which I worked
translating te sites I mention here below.
• www.atmosfera.com (March 2006)
• www.quiquibisquit.com.br (December 2007)
• translations with team group (September 2002 - May 2008*)
For publishers as Ediciones Nobel (www.edicionesnobel.com),
Editora Global (www.globaleditora.com.br),
Editora Lua (www.editoralua.com.br)
• www.quiquibisquit.com.br (December 2007)
• translations with team group (September 2002 - May 2008*)
For publishers as Ediciones Nobel (www.edicionesnobel.com),
Editora Global (www.globaleditora.com.br),
Editora Lua (www.editoralua.com.br)
This is a school chain, in which I worked for two of its branchs
::: Ipiranga Borough Branch (Feb 2003 - Dec 2003)
::: Itaim Borough Branch (Jan 2004 - Dec 2006)
• Farmasa (June 2006 - December 2006)::: Ipiranga Borough Branch (Feb 2003 - Dec 2003)
::: Itaim Borough Branch (Jan 2004 - Dec 2006)
At this Pharmacy Lab, I gave individualized classes,
at the students offices, as business classes for
specific purposes.
• Día Brasil (September 2004 - June 2006)
At this Supermarket Chain, I gave classes
at the Head Office of the supermarket group)
at the students offices, as business classes for
specific purposes.
• Día Brasil (September 2004 - June 2006)
At this Supermarket Chain, I gave classes
at the Head Office of the supermarket group)
• C.E."Charles Schulz" (February 2003 - December 2005)
This was a Primary and Secondary School, in which
I gave classes with traditional text books and
extra activities that I've developed.
This was a Primary and Secondary School, in which
I gave classes with traditional text books and
extra activities that I've developed.
• SafraBank (February 2003 - December 2004)
At this Bank, I gave business classes
to students at their offices.
• Pinheiro Neto Lawyers Bureau (February 2003 - December 2004)
to students at their offices.
• Pinheiro Neto Lawyers Bureau (February 2003 - December 2004)
At this Lawyers Bureau, I gave business classes
to students at their office.
These next two jobs below were before I moved to São Paulo,
in schools I worked while I was in the University, until 2001.
• Dafae (D.A.de Eng.- UNESP) (January 1998 - December 2001)
to students at their office.
These next two jobs below were before I moved to São Paulo,
in schools I worked while I was in the University, until 2001.
• Dafae (D.A.de Eng.- UNESP) (January 1998 - December 2001)
At this school, I gave classes with traditional text books and
extra activities that I've developed.
• One to One (January 2000 - December 2001)
extra activities that I've developed.
• One to One (January 2000 - December 2001)
At this school, I gave individualized classes, with
traditional text books and extra activities that I've developed.
*In May 2008 I left my jobs to move to London,
where I am studying now.
academic education
traditional text books and extra activities that I've developed.
*In May 2008 I left my jobs to move to London,
where I am studying now.
academic education
• Bachelor of GRAPHIC DESIGN
São Paulo State University - UNESP. 1996-2001
other certificates
São Paulo State University - UNESP. 1996-2001
other certificates
::: Trained by the Faculty of Letters' Teachers (São Paulo University) for developing activities and exercises, to complement the classes, as flashcards, videos, songclasses, music and internet chalenges
(January 2006);
::: Trained by instructors sent by the publishers, to work with specific and generic methods using their books: Ven, Mucho Gusto, Mucho Más, Primer Plano, Conexión (Publishers: Edelsa;CNA)
(January 2000);
::: Trained by CCAA, to work their specific audiovisual methodology
(January 2003).
::: Graduate from an intensive training program, offered by the schools CNA and supported by publishers, in courses about pedagogical methods and technics as well, studies in depth on grammar with directed uses for the spanish teaching function.
(January 2000)
training programs
Attended in workshops and trainings, from 2002 to 2008, about:
(January 2006);
::: Trained by instructors sent by the publishers, to work with specific and generic methods using their books: Ven, Mucho Gusto, Mucho Más, Primer Plano, Conexión (Publishers: Edelsa;CNA)
(January 2000);
::: Trained by CCAA, to work their specific audiovisual methodology
(January 2003).
::: Graduate from an intensive training program, offered by the schools CNA and supported by publishers, in courses about pedagogical methods and technics as well, studies in depth on grammar with directed uses for the spanish teaching function.
(January 2000)
training programs
Attended in workshops and trainings, from 2002 to 2008, about:
- "Club de Conversación", con Mirian Freire;
- "Clases uno a uno", con Cláudia Cecília Jacobi;
- "Actividades para la ambientación", con Soraia Adel Osman;
- "As várias teorias pedagógicas", con Stella Baygorria Barbão;
- "La gramática en acción", con Enrique Luis Melone;
- "Los pronombres para lusohablantes", con Neide Maia Gonzáles;
- "El texto y los sentidos", con Adrián Pablo Fanjul;
- "¿Español de dónde?", con Adrián Pablo Fanjul;
- "La enseñanza del vocabulario", con Elizabeth Rodríguez Brito;
- "Uso de expresiones idiomáticas", con Isabel Gretel Fernández;
- "De la pantalla a sala de clases E.L.E", con Monica Ferreira Mayrink;
- "De la web al aula", con Ramiro Caggiano Blanco;
- "La literatura en la clase de E.L.E.", con Enrique Luis Melone;
- "Los pronombres de O.D. y O.I.", con Enrique Luis Melone;
- "Los tiempos pasados", con Enrique Luis Melone;
- "Los verbos de cambio", con Marilene Senaris Pombo;